6 Reasons Why Blogging Can Be Difficult: Part 6 – Keep Tools Simple
Blogging Guide to Staying Simple for Better Ideas
Keeping blogging tools simple is vital to consistent and quality blogging. Here are some ways to focus on what's important to your process.
Starting a blog can be overwhelming because of the complexity of the process. From using technology to developing the ideas we use for blog content, it can be hard to focus on what's important. We might become "tool hoarders" in an effort to prepare for problems that might or might not happen. How do we cut through the complexity to take the first steps to a transparent social media strategy?
What is the true power of simplicity? Look to our DNA. It's made of only a few amino acids. But from those parts, we have the seemingly infinite complexity we see on Earth. In the same way, a few social media solutions can help us create and publish endless supply of ideas through our blog.
The beauty of blogging is all we need is 3 things:
- An idea.
- A tool to write interesting content down.
- A tool to put these ideas out in the world effectively.
Once we have a deeper understanding on how to use these tools, we can create a lifetime supply of ideas. When we reach the limitations of these tools, we can then extend their capacity, by developing the tools themselves or getting novel and more advanced tools. Because we have been keeping blogging tools simple, we understand how their basic function can help us achieve our goals. We can then find the best blogging tools because we understand at a very deep level what the tool does, what we need, and if these two ideas coincide.
Mindfulness in the workplace has become a hot topic. It's important to be in the present, not only to do the job well, but also to gain a deeper sense of satisfaction in what you do at the office. Keeping things simple is another way to manifest the mindfulness mentality by focusing on your most basic needs to get blog growth.
In contrast, an approach without mindfulness means constantly searching for the next best thing. This is will keep us from doing the actual work. By not keeping blogging tools simple, we won't be able to test our real capacity. We will lose concentration by searching for "something better". By appreciating what we already have, we can then extend our own abilities. We can achieve the best quality content with the cheapest and most effective tools. We will also develop the strongest tool we have: our brain.
You might have heard about Decision Fatigue before. The more decisions you have to make, you more your brain uses up energy. This affects your willpower. Once willpower decreases, it is harder to avoid temptations, like sweets when you are on a diet. It also affects our decision-making skills, and we have less ability to problem-solve.
Avoiding decision fatigue is why some high-powered CEO's wear the same wardrobe every day. Every morning they dress, they save up the energy it would have taken to decide what to wear. Over the day, and week, they will make thousands of small decisions. By finding ways to streamline processes throughout the day, they will have the energy to focus on what matters. Beginning bloggers can also simplify their daily processes in this way and make less wastage on time and energy. They will have more focus to keep on track to achieve goals with more motivation and energy.
A piano only has so many keys. There are only so many types of colors in paints. A language only has a determinate number of letters. But from these limitations, musicians, painters and language-speakers can create an unbounded number of possibilities. A beginning blogger can also start with a few tools to make a great difference. Like any other beginner, they won't know what the right blog tools will be at first. Focus then on keeping the simplest blogging tools handy, so once we start walking on our path to successful blogging, we won't have too much to pack for our journey.
This is the last part of the Series "6 Reasons Why Blogging Can Be So Difficult to Start." If you missed out on Part I – V start here.